Call for essays – „Debate changed my life“
International debate organization IDEA calls for essays on the topic „Debate changed my life“.

Who can participate
A member of ADK living in the Czech Republic or with a Czech citizenship who is studying high school, university or is working and who’s at most 25 years old on 7th October 2019
- The essay needs to be written in English
- Submitting the essay in one of two categories – High School (up to 18 years old) or Tertiary Education (over 18 years old)
- Essays must be 1000 words or less in English, excluding essay title and cover page
- Essays must be original. Plagiarism is an exclusion criteria.
- Essays could be written by one person, but co-authored essays are also accepted. In that case, the participants must be classified in the same category
Entries must include a short brief indicating:
- Name of the author or authors (in case of a co-authored essay)
- Email (all the following information needs to be submitted for all co-authors)
- Telephone
- Category (High School or Tertiary Education)
- Age as of October 7, 2019
- Nationality
- The name of the debate education organization the participant is/has
been connected - Essay title
- Word count
The participant agrees to yield the copyright of the essay submitted to IDEA.
Asessment criteria
An international panel will score each essay on four criteria with a 1-10 score per criteria. The criteria are:
- Ability in answering the Essay Question
- Argumentation and logic applied in the Essay
- Creativity and originality of the chosen approach
- Use of correct and flowing English
Entries must be received by 7th October 2019 on the email address with subject „Debate changed my life Essay Contest“.
Two winners (one for each category) will be invited to an international conference organized to celebrate 20 years of IDEA that is going to be held in Bruxelles from 8th to 12th November 2019. The winners will be awarded in the European Parliament.