
Call for debaters – IPPF 2018/2019

The International Committee is looking for debating teams to take part in this highly prestigious international competition.

International Public Policy Forum (IPPF), organized under patronage of a renowned American law firm Bickel & Brewer in cooperation with the New York University, represents a truly exceptional debating competition. In contrast to other debating contests and formats you may know (Czech/English Debate League, international tournaments etc.), the IPPF provides far more time to prepare the essays, so you can elaborate your analysis, find relevant evidence, look up impressive opening lines and do much more similarly useful things in advance. That is the luxury you are not given in normal debate. If you are successful, you may reach the final tournament in New York where your presentation skills can also be worthy. The best teams will receive monetary award. Even if you were not so lucky, you would benefit from priceless experience. By a „mere“ participation, you can improve your public speaking, academic writing and editing skills and learn to be a good team player.

In 2012, Czech Debate Association achieved a major success, when we won the IPPF.

We officially inform all friends and supporters of debating about the opportunity to join the team of the Czech Debate Association. However you can also build your own team at your school. If you choose to do so, please inform us at

Debaters who want to be part of CDA team should be:

  • Experienced in debating
  • Have good command of English (mainly in written form)
  • Full-time high school students in 2018-2019
  • Able and willing to dedicate potentially a lot of their time to this project (see below)

Anyone interested should bear in mind that you may not even qualify for the break rounds, however you may succeed and then you will have to dedicate a lot of time to writing essays and reactions at later stages of the competition.
Here is an outline of expected time commitment at different stages of the competition:

Qualifying essay

  • Deadline: 22. 10. 2018
  • Topic: Resolved: U.S. abdication of international leadership creates dangerous global instability.
  • Irregular availability of about 30 hours of research and 10 hours of writing necessary.

Break rounds

  • If you qualify, you will be expected to be available on the following time periods:
    • 6. 11. – 18. 12.
    • 2. 1. – 8. 2.
    • 15. 2. – 19. 3.
  • Irregular availability of about 15 hours of research and 30 hours of writing necessary.

New York finals

  • If you make it to the live finals, you will be expected to work extensively from 25th March until the departure to New York on 26th April.
  • You should be able to attend the Finals in New York from 26th to 28th April.

If you are interested in being part of CDA team, please apply by filling out this form by 21st September. After the deadline coaches and team members will be chosen.

If you are interested in applying with your school team, you need to fill out the following formThe registration deadline is on 19th October.
You can find more information (updates etc.) about the contest on its official website available on the following link.